Veins Clinic

Don't Ignore Your Leg Veins: Understanding Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are a common concern, especially for women, affecting up to 70% at some point in their lives. Pregnancy and hormonal changes can increase the risk, but anyone who sits or stands for extended periods is susceptible. These twisted, enlarged veins, often appearing dark blue or purple, develop due to malfunctioning valves that allow blood to flow backward.

While some varicose veins may only cause mild discomfort like spider veins, others can lead to more serious problems like leg ulcers. Common symptoms include swelling, heaviness, fatigue, cramps, restlessness, itching, and discoloration.

Unfortunately, there’s no known cure to reverse existing varicose veins, and traditional surgical treatments may not offer lasting improvement. However, there are effective non-surgical options available to manage and improve the condition which our team can help you with!

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