Post Surgical Rehabilitation

Get Back to Your Best After Surgery

Following surgery like a total knee or hip replacement, fracture repair, ligament reconstruction, or tendon repair, a personalized physiotherapy program is key to regaining full function. This program guides you as you gradually return to work, social activities, hobbies, or even competitive sports.

Post-surgical rehabilitation aims to restore your physical capabilities to where they were before your surgery or injury. Our experienced physiotherapists will design a customized recovery plan and provide one-on-one treatment sessions to closely monitor your progress.

Your exercise program will progress based on your individual response to therapy and your surgeon’s recommendations. We maintain regular communication with your surgeon to ensure your recovery aligns perfectly with the healing rate of your tissues.

Undergoing post-surgical rehabilitation is crucial for achieving the best possible functional recovery after surgery. Skipping physiotherapy or not following a program guided by experienced professionals can significantly impact your surgical outcome and potentially lead to long-term limitations. A complete recovery is essential for living a full and active life. Post-surgical rehabilitation can be the difference between a 99% recovery and achieving your full potential.

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